Snow White Pantomime Script
The fairest Pantomime of them all!
Key info...
17 Characters:
- 15 Principals
- 2 Supporting Roles
- Plus Ensemble
Home > Pantomime Scripts > Scripts for Large Casts > Snow White Pantomime Script
Snow White is looking for love, but before she can find it, the Wicked Queen tries to get rid of her forever. Fortunately, she escapes to the Black Forest, where she meets a merry band of bearded brothers.
Back at the castle, Dame Babs is struggling to bake a cake but is getting more hindrance than help from her two inept children.
Will Snow White & the Prince find each other and true love, or will the Wicked Queen have her way and finally become the undisputed fairest of them all?
A CHARMING panto script for all the family!
Snow White Pantomime Script Characters
Snow White: Titular character & fairest of them all.
The Prince: Initially in disguise but later reveals his true identity.
The Wicked Queen: The baddie. Snow White’s evil stepmother.
Dame Babs: The Dame. Barbra Bafflebottom. Sally & Simon's mum.
Simon: Dame Bab’s son & Sally’s sister. Not very smart.
Sally: Dame Bab’s daughter & Simon’s brother. Also dim.
Magic Mirror: Talks in rhymes & always tells the truth.
The Narrator: Storyteller in chief.
Soft: Friendly, caring and kind.
Velvety: Concerned with good manners.
Happy: Cheery & optimistic.
Slappy: The mischievous one.
Mappy: Knows whats going on & knows the way home.
Pappy: The eldest of the group.
Clappy: Always claps his hands when spoken to.
The King: King Norman of Pantoland. Snow White’s father.
The Queen: Queen Linda of Pantoland. Snow White’s mother.
Townsfolk, Delivery Men, Ghosts and Guards etc.
“The gags came thick and fast and the physicality on stage was a wonderful visual feast!”
Snow White Pantomime Script Excerpt
The WICKED QUEEN approaches the Mirror in her chambers.
WICKED QUEEN: Magic Mirror, Magic Mirror!
THE MAGIC MIRROR appears in the Mirror Frame.
MAGIC MIRROR: I heard your clap so did appear, why is it you called me here?
WICKED QUEEN: I have a question for you to prove my point to this horrible lot. (Referring to the AUDIENCE. She composes herself) Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?
MAGIC MIRROR: Again the same as I have seen, the fairest? That is you my Queen.
WICKED QUEEN: (Thrilled) See, it’s me, the Mirror never lies. (Beat) Still don’t believe me, fine, I’ll ask another one; Mirror, mirror say to me, the numbers for the lottery.
MAGIC MIRROR: (In the style of Lottery Announcer) Well, your majesty, the balls are out and the winning numbers tonight are… Drumroll please…. 1, 13, 17, 27, 35, and 48. The bonus ball is 23!
A member of the ENSEMBLE runs across the stage waving the winning ticket.
LOTTERY WINNER: I’ve won, I’ve won! I can’t believe it! The winning ticket! (etc until offstage)
WICKED QUEEN: See?!? (Beat) I’ll double check I’m still the most beautiful. Mirror Mirror do your bit, tell me who is really fit?
MAGIC MIRROR: Once again, your maj, it's true, the fairest in the land is you.
WICKED QUEEN: (Becoming slightly playful) Oh I love this game! Again, again… Mirror Mirror look at me, of all the girls, who is beauty?
MAGIC MIRROR: I must say you are too vain, for beauty is now not the same.
WICKED QUEEN: (Outraged) What? You’re lying It can’t be anyone else! I’m the fairest in the land! It’s me! Me! Me!
MAGIC MIRROR: Two mins ago it was you, but the fairest is now someone new.
WICKED QUEEN: I will not allow this! I refuse to accept this change. I’m the Queen and what I say goes! You can’t just change who the fairest in the kingdom is, you can’t change it! You can’t!
MAGIC MIRROR: Oh my Queen you’ve gone deranged, I told the truth, and the truth has changed.