Scripts for Small Casts

These scripts have been written for smaller casts & contain 9 or fewer principal characters. Some scripts also have smaller roles who can be played by members of your ensemble.

Request a Perusal Script

You can request a Free Perusal Script before committing to a Performance Licence.

Apply for a Performance Licence

All Nick Lawrence Pantomimes scripts are available to licence for performance.

We've Got More Stories In Store

If there's a panto you'd love to perform, but can't find a script that works for you, please let us know.

We've got more pantomime scripts in the works & always welcome new ideas.

We Love Audience Participation

We've been fortunate to receive a number of rave Reviews for all our pantomime scripts.

If you've performed one of our scripts already we'd love to know what you think too!

See All Panto Scripts