Beauty & The Beast Pantomime Script

A Pantomime tale as old as time!

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Key info...

11 Characters:
- 7 Principals
- 4 Supporting Roles
- Plus Ensemble

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Dame Dotty Doolally is struggling to pay the rent. After hearing the King has offered a reward to whoever rescues his son from the wicked witch Malignia, she sets off into the forest to find him.

What she doesn’t realize is that the Prince has been transformed into a hideous Beast, who threatens to kill her unless she brings her daughter, Beauty, to visit him at his castle.

When Beauty arrives, the Beast reneges on their agreement & holds her captive, hoping they’ll fall in love & break his beastly curse. Now, Dame Dotty must venture into the forest once more to rescue Beauty & hopefully find the Prince too!

This really is a BEAUTY of a pantomime!

Beauty & the Beast Pantomime Script Characters


  • Beauty: Titular character & Dame Dotty's daughter.

  • Dame Dotty Doolally: The Dame. Mother to Beauty & Brian.

  • Brian Doolally: Dotty's Son. Doolally by name, Doolally by nature.

  • King Duncan: Ruler of Pantoland. The Prince's father.

  • Prince Lucian/The Beast: King Duncan's son. Transformed into a Beast until he finds true love.

  • Malignia: A wicked witch who turns the Prince into a hideous beast.

  • Jeeves: The Beast's butler.


  • Cassio: A talking clock in the Beast's castle.

  • Billy: A talking bookcase in the Beast's castle.

  • Chester: A talking chest of drawers in the Beast's castle.

  • Trey: A talking table in the Beast's castle.


  • Townsfolk, Guards, Furniture & Ghosts etc.

"Really rather entertaining. The script had us in stitches!"

Beauty & the Beast Pantomime Script Excerpt

DAME DOTTY & BRIAN are onstage. Some of the ENSEMBLE enter excitedly.

ENSEMBLE 1: Is he here?

DOTTY: Is who here?

ENSEMBLE 2: The King.

DOTTY: You just missed him.

BRIAN: But he said he’d be back.

DOTTY: Yes, for the rent!

ENSEMBLE 3: Oh dear, you’re always short on cash.

DOTTY: I certainly am. Just this morning I got a letter from the bank saying I’m in debt. The bill was so large I thought it was a pelican!

ENS. 2: I heard that the King fancies you, Dame Dotty.

DOTTY: Oh come off it, he would never fancy me.

ENS. 3: Why ever not? You’re pretty, positive and passionate.

DOTTY: I’m pretty positive I’m poor!

ENS. 1: But what if you did marry the King? Think of all the money you’d have!

ENS. 3: He’s got so much money he could fill a swimming pool.

BRIAN: That’s one way to splash the cash!

DOTTY: That’s all very well, but right now I’m completely broke.

ENS. 2: Surely you’ve got something stashed away for a rainy day?

DOTTY: Nope, I spent it on an umbrella. The only pounds I’ve got are round my waistline.

ENS. 1: It can’t be that bad.

BRIAN: It is, we can’t even afford to go to the toilet.

Everyone looks confused.

DOTTY: What?

BRIAN: We've not got the money to spend a penny!

Everyone groans.

DOTTY: Silly jokes and wishful thinking wont make us rich.

BRIAN: But can’t we just pretend, just for five minutes?


BRIAN: Why not?

DOTTY: Can’t afford it.

Everyone groans. DAME DOTTY finally gives in.

DOTTY: Alright, I suppose a bit of financial daydreaming can’t hurt.

ENS. 1: (Excitedly) If I were rich I’d buy a new TV.

ENS. 2: I’d buy a new car.

BRIAN: I’d buy two dozen carrots!

Some of the ENSEMBLE look a bit confused.

DOTTY: 24 carat gold?

BRIAN: Nope, I’m investing in a veg-fund!

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