Cinderella Pantomime Script

The Fairy Godmother of Pantomimes!

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13 Characters:
- 11 Principals
- 2 Supporting Roles
- Plus Ensemble

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Cinderella works hard at Hardup Manor, but her wicked stepmother, the dreadful Baroness Hardup, is determined to make her life miserable.

Luckily, she has her loyal friend Buttons and a Fairy Godmother to help. Unluckily, her Fairy Godmother is on work experience, so not everything goes to plan!

The Ugly Sisters try to woo the Prince at the Royal Ball, but he only has eyes for Cinderella. When she suddenly flees at the stroke of midnight, she leaves behind her crystal slipper; the Prince’s only clue in his search for the girl of his dreams!

With this panto script, you shall go to the ball!

Cinderella Pantomime Script Characters


  • Cinderella: Titular character, cleaner & dogsbody at Hardup Manor. 

  • Buttons: The footman at Hardup Manor & Cinderella’s friend.

  • Fairy Sparkles: Interning for the Fairy Godmother. A bit clumsy. 

  • Baroness Hardup: The baddie. Cinderella’s horrible stepmother.

  • Baron Hardup: Cinderella’s downtrodden father.

  • Ammonia: A dame. Baroness Hardup’s daughter, with a bit of a bad smell.

  • Amnesia: A dame. Baroness Hardup’s daughter, not forgettable.

  • Prince Charming: A handsome Prince looking for love.

  • Dandini: Prince Charming’s assistant & confidant.

  • Grabbit: Bailiff & debt collector. Runn’s Colleague.

  • Runn: Bailiff & debt collector. Grabbit’s Colleague


  • Fairy Godmother: Cinderella’s stressed but spiritual guide. 

  • Emcee: Master/Mistress of Ceremonies. Host & announcer at the Royal Ball.


  • Townsfolk, Cleaners, Mice, Footmen & Guests at the Royal Ball etc.

"Cinderella is a throughly entertaining script with plenty of jokes to be enjoyed by all!"

Cinderella Pantomime Script Excerpt

BARONESS HARDUP, AMMONIA & AMNESIA are guests at the Royal Ball.

BARONESS: Now girls, remember what we’re here to do.

AMNESIA: Yes mother, to snare the prince and get his hand in marriage.

AMMONIA: And to take home as much champagne as we can carry.

BARONESS: Very good. Amnesia, you go first. And don’t forget, approach him with charm and sophistication.

AMNESIA: (Yelling towards the PRINCE in a non-charming and entirely unsophisticated way) Oi, fitty!

AMNESIA steps toward the PRINCE but BARONESS HARDUP pulls her back.

BARONESS: On second thoughts, you go first Ammonia.

AMMONIA approaches the PRINCE.

AMMONIA: Your highness, it is an honour to have been invited this evening.

PRINCE: You’re very welcome.

AMMONIA: I was thinking you could give me a private tour.

PRINCE: No thank you.

The PRINCE takes a step away. AMMONIA retreats. BARONESS HARDUP encourages AMNESIA to approach.

AMNESIA: Hello your Majesty.

PRINCE: (Looking at her in alarm and calling out) Security!

AMNESIA: Don’t be such a spoil sport.

AMNESIA turns around and heads back. AMMONIA tries her luck again.

AMMONIA: How about I give YOU a tour of MY privates?

PRINCE: I said no thank you.

AMMONIA returns to BARONESS HARDUP and AMNESIA. They chastise her with looks of disapproval. CINDERELLA enters. She looks stunning in her beautiful ballgown.

EMCEE: Our next guest is… Um… (Looks through the clipboard/book for her name but can’t see it) I’m not sure of her name, but looking like that I have absolutely no doubt she has an invitation.

The PRINCE sees her and rushes to tell DANDINI.

PRINCE: Dandini, that’s her. She’s here! I need to talk to her. (Indicating AMMONIA & AMNESIA) Get those two sisters away from me.


PRINCE: I don’t know; make something up!


DANDINI: Excuse me, apparently the chef hid a million-pound note in the trifle. If you can find it you can keep it!

BARONESS HARDUP, AMMONIA and AMNESIA rush offstage with glee.

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